Reach: Tennessee
The Tennessee Valley Paso Fino Horse Association was chartered in May of 1983. Over the last 16 years it has grown from the thirty-five charter members to a membership in excess of 150 people from the Tennessee Valley area.
Show sponsorship has also grown from one regional show in 1984 to three regional shows held annually in Morristown, Murfreesboro and Memphis. The association and its members also participate in the Horse Fair which is sponsored by the Tennessee Horse Council and held at Middle Tennessee State University each March. We were well represented at the Horse Fair by our members this past year. Tennessee Valley received first place in the stallion exhibition, and second place in the breed exhibition.
Tennessee Valley members enjoy their Pasos in a variety of ways. They participate in parades, trail rides, breed exhibitions, and clinics. Last April, we sponsored a trail ride at Natchez Trace for the benefit of St. Jude Children’s & Research Hospital in Memphis, TN. The Trace is only one of many popular trail riding sites for our members.
Tennessee Valley also sponsors clinics each year for both adults and our young men and women. The clinics instruct us in Paso Fino equitation, general horsemanship and current training methods.
We have numerous members who enjoy regularly participating in parades all across Tennessee.
Please visit with us at our web site where you will find our e-mail address, details about our association and a current calendar of events. We also have a Classified Ads page which will help you find the Paso of your dreams (if you have not already done so!)
We are a very active, growing group, with many more activities planned for the coming years including trail rides, shows, clinics, and open houses. We hope to see you there.
Region Bylaws:
The Southwestern Paso Fino Horse Association (SWPFHA) was organized in 1985 for the purpose of promoting the Paso Fino horse in the Southwestern region of the United States. The region covers all of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and portions of Louisiana. SWPFHA is the official regional affiliate of the Paso Fino Horse Association (PFHA), and represents approximately 380 voting members of PFHA.
SWPFHA provides many avenues for its members and friends to enjoy their Paso Fino horses, including an annual Fandango Tejas show. In addition, the region hosts horsemanship clinics, Fun Shows, trail rides, breed demonstrations, and competitive trail and jumping clinics. Members also enjoy team penning, roping, barrel racing, pole-bending, endurance riding, and soccer on horseback.
Members ride their horses in various parades throughout the region, such as the holiday parade and stock show parade near Houston. The SWPFHA is proud of its all-Paso Fino youth drill team, FINISIMO, as this troupe has garnered many national championships over the past few years. In addition, SWPFHA has traditionally supported Paso Fino marketing efforts at venues like the Houston and San Antonio livestock shows.
Many SWPFHA members have achieved great success with their horses at regional shows, the PFHA Grand National Show, and at world Paso Fino events, including the bi-annual Youth Mundial competitions. There are several large breeding and training facilities located within the region, and many other smaller farms. Each year at the respected Spectrum and Grand National shows, SWPFHA members come away with impressive wins!
The current officers of SWPFHA are dedicated to the needs of our membership and the promotion of the Paso Fino horse, and we thank our PFHA board for its commitment and help in these efforts.
Velasquez, Mario #47061(President)
Houston, TX
Phone: (713)298-4343
Perez, Ellen #790 (Delegate)
Conroe, TX
Phone: (936)537-5710
Reach: North Carolina and South Carolina
Region Bylaws:
The Piedmont region held its first group meeting on December 21, 1976, and its first Paso Fino show four months later in Monroe, North Carolina. This show was a one day event with 35 horses. On May15, 1977, Piedmont held a trail ride for NATRC horsemen in May of 1977 in South Carolina. In 1979 Piedmont joined hands with AHSA, (now USEF) in a 10 class horse show in Oak Ridge, North Carolina. These humble beginnings were the start of a powerful active region, bringing members from the now non-active Atlantic Paso Fino Owners and Breeders Association, which covered the eastern part of the USA.
The Piedmont PFHA is the second largest and considered one of the most successful regions of the Paso Fino Horse Association. The Piedmont Breeder’s Futurity proudly showcases the offspring of over 60 stallions, awarding to some of the most valuable breeding stock in our breed over $160,000 since its inception in 1992. Each year, the Piedmont Classic in Asheville, NC, continues to reign as one of the largest regional USEF/PFHA shows held in the USA, and justly called the mini-Nationals due to the high level of competition in all divisions. At this prestigious show, over $82,000 in prizes was awarded in 2004, including $30,000 awarded to Piedmont Breeder’s Futurity nominated horses and their sires.
Piedmont”s shows have grown to be second to none. We host the Carolina Classic (Clemson, SC) and the Piedmont Classic (Asheville, NC), as well as a show at the NC State Fair and a show in North Augusta SC in cooperation with the Pure Puerto Rican Paso Fino Association. These shows continue to be highly successful representing the finest quality of Paso Fino horses being exhibited, and being among the largest number of entry turnout in the country. The NC State Fair Horse Show held in Raleigh in October has sponsored Paso Fino classes since 1976 and draws a large crowd of non-Paso Fino spectators. Piedmont has hosted the Grand National Paso Fino Championship Show four times in its excellent equine facilities in Raleigh and Asheville, North Carolina.
Piedmont supports several fun shows and clinics each year, emphasizing education and entertainment in a relaxed atmosphere. Trail rides are also important activity in the Piedmont PFHA region. Trail rides are scheduled most months in different areas of the region, providing well-attended, fun filled days of horses, friends, and food. Piedmont is proud to have some members that have logged over 500 hours each for PFHA”s “Pasos for Pleasure” program. Our region is also the home of numerous National Champions, Top Ten Sires and Dams, Gelding of the Year honorees, and some of the top show horses, most respected trainers, dedicated amateur riders and breeding farms in the country.
Piedmont PFHA owes its success to all of its dedicated Paso Fino enthusiasts. Trail riders, horse owners, breeders, youth, trainers and exhibitors, are each equally important to the future of the breed and the region. Members reside mainly in North Carolina and South Carolina, but also in Virginia, Tennessee, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Alabama, Washington, and West Virginia. Join us, and help us to help you find even more ways to enjoy your Paso Fino.
Reach: All European countries
Region Bylaws:
Welcome to Europe
Founded in 2000 by Paso Fino owners, breeders and aficionados dedicated to promote the Paso Fino in Europe, the PFAE (Paso Fino Association Europe) soon developed into the major Paso Fino association in Europe.
Although there are several other associations promoting a variety of gaited horses (e.g. Peruvian Pasos, Missouris Foxtrotters, American Saddlebred, Icelandics etc.) the PFAE currently is the most active and influential association for the Paso Fino horse in Europe with close to 300 members. The majority of the PFAE members are living in Germany, but there are two strong regional groups in Switzerland and the UK/ Ireland. Besides, there are also members in Spain, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Sweden and even Israel. In 2005 the PFAE has also been accepted as independent registry for Paso Finos by the PFHA. At the time being there are close to 1.000 horses in Europe registered with the PFAE.
Despite being a small association, the PFAE organizes and hosts at least two Paso Fino show each year. Every two years European Championships are held. All shows are based on the rules and regulations developed by the PFAE show committee in close adherence to the PFHA show and breeding rules. Despite all classes that are available at PFHA shows, the PFAE rules also include some unique European classes such as dressage, 3-gait (Paso Corto, walk and canter), 4-gait (Paso Corto, walk, trot and canter), Endurance class (Paso Corto for 10 minutes, selection of the best 8 horses that have to perform at Paso Corto for another 10 minutes), Natural Gaiters Class (horses have to perform Paso Corto as well as Paso Corto on lose reins). For those who enjoy their Paso Finos out on the trails we have initiated a Pasos for Pleasure program in line with the PFHA version.
Besides shows, PFAE breeders and members also promote the breed by participating in various equine fairs, exhibitions and open house events throughout the year.
Information is available to all members online via the PFAE homepage ( in German and English, featuring the latest news and events, offering advice and help, providing lists with horses for sale, stallion services and offspring, giving a directory of training facilities and breeding farms. In addition, members receive a monthly e-Mail newsletter and the unique BRIO magazine published twice a year, which is the only exclusive Paso Fino magazine in Europe.
The members of the Paso Fino Association Europe have chosen a magnificent breed: The Paso Fino.
Since it is our goal that the breed gets the attention and the place in the equine world that it truly deserves, we feel it necessary that the Paso Fino gets represented and promoted across Europe by an officially acknowledged association, dedicated to the Paso Fino – The PFAE.
Reach: Indiana, Illinois and part of Missouri.
Region Bylaws:
The Ozark Empire Paso Fino Horse Association was founded in 1971. The region consists of members from Arkansas, Canada, Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. Members range from large breeding farms to individual horse owners who all share the common goal of personally enjoying and promoting the Paso Fino horse to the American public.
Ozark Empire members are very active with their Paso Fino horses. Our members compete successfully at the national level winning Grand National, National, and National Reserve Championships. The Region sponsors and co-sponsors the all Paso “Midwest Classic” in May and the all breed Illinois State Fair “Society Horse Show” in August at the Fair Grounds in Springfield, IL. Out members support the “Fair St. Louis” 4th of July and “Spanish Festival” parades, and the “Muni Opera” season opening festivities. Many of our members use their Paso’s for trail riding on a regular basis with some participating in the Big Piney, Eminence, and Wilderness Trail Rides. Ozark Empire sponsors a fall trail ride and membership meeting for out members. Whether on the trail or in the show ring, Ozark Empire members enjoy their Paso Fino horses!
The Ozark Empire Region is the Mid-America home of some of the best Paso Finos in the world. Besides winning at the Grand National Championship Show, many of the excellent stallions and mares in our region have been honored in the Paso Fino Horse Association’s Top Ten Sires and Top Ten Dams lists. We have quality horses available at reasonable prices for breeding, pleasure, and show. Quality professional training is available in the region for both horses and riders.
We invite you to visit with our Ozark Empire members and our website at and learn more about the Ozark Empire Region, our members and their horses.
Christy Meyer (President)
Royal Oak Ranch
635 E Hwy 40
Troy, IL 62294
Phone: 618-667-9909
Meyer, Rick (Delegate)
Royal Oak Ranch
635 E Hwy 40
Troy, IL 62294
Phone: 314-520-5707
Region Bylaws:
Southern Regional Paso Fino Horse Association (SRPFHA) is located in Ocala, Florida the Horse Capital of the World! Marion County and the surrounding communities are home to more renowned Paso Fino Breeders, Top Trainers and Paso Fino Boarding and Training facilities than anywhere else in the Nation.
With the 2nd largest membership, our members are a well-diversified group. We enjoy our horses to the fullest; participating in obstacle challenges, trail rides on the extensive Florida Greenway, at the many surrounding Parks or riding our pasos on the beach. Most definitely our members excel in the show arena with many top competitive amateur owners winning the Blue in all Divisions both at home and traveling around the Southeast to other regions and onward to Nationals in Lexington, KY in the fall.
SRPFHA strives to lead the way which includes supporting youth programs with free clinics, loaner horses and donations to send our Youth Team to the World Cup Mundial in Colombia in the summer of 2014. We have a passion for sharing our love for this noble horse.
For the Paso Fino aficionado this area offers:
1) Access to elite trainers and training centers,
2) Many of the foremost stallions of our breed and some of the largest breeding operations in the United States. In fact, North Central and Central Florida has the largest population of Paso Fino horses, and more Paso Fino foals are produced here than anywhere else in the country,
3) Extensive Show Opportunities – Hosting 5 shows each year, SRPFHA members don’t need to travel far to earn points. The competition calendar begins with the Florida State Fair (Tampa) in February. We then move our events to the Southeastern Livestock Pavilion in Ocala. Mid-March the Ocala Classic sets the tone for the year with the participation of top Paso Fino horses and riders. Mid-April our Spring Schooling Classichighlights the new crop of colts and fillies in all modalities and provides the venue to prepare for Miami’s International Spectrum show in late May. Then in mid-July Extravaganza, Southern flagship show attracts participants from other regions, including out of state, all in pursue of the $10,000.00 in prize money. And lastly, in mid-August our Season Finale/Last Chance show sets our sight on the Grand National Show.
Culminating the calendar year with a Christmas Party, a trail ride and maybe a fun show! There is no better choice for regional membership! Join us by designating SRPFHA (no regional membership fees) as your regional choice when you renew your PFHA membership.
Reach: New York, Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island.
Region Bylaws:
The Northeast, officially sanctioned in 1972, consists of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and Quebec, Canada. We also attract members from several other states, including New Jersey and Pennsylvania. As of 2010, our association has swelled to approximately 100 members and at least 300 horses, including many national champions.
The Northeast is an active region. We offer a clinic in the fall, featuring guest and our local trainers from Paso Fino Del Fuego Farm, who sponsor the event.
The Northeast boasts three shows this year. Our show season starts in late May at an all breed show in Syracuse, NY. In July we hold a Paso Fino and United Mountain Horse show in Cobleskill, NY. Our show season draws to a close with another Paso Fino and Mountain Horse show “Fandango” in August in Middleboro, MA. Of course, no show season is complete without an awards banquet and ours is held at our Cobleskill, NY show.
Recognizing that not all Paso enthusiasts show, members of the Northeast have organized several group trail rides – in upstate New York, Long Island, Bradley Palmer State Park and other parks in Massachusetts. Also, we are very proud of our free trail riding program. Hours are tallied and awards are presented to deserving trail riders at year’s end. We host many parades including the St Patrick’s day parade and the the Thanksgiving parade in Plymouth, MA.
An event unique to the Northeast and a valuable tool to promote our beloved Paso Finos, is the Equine Affaire scheduled for November in West Springfield, MA. Billed as the nation’s premier national equine exposition and equestrian gathering, the Equine Affair was enjoyed by about 50,000+ participants. The Northeast has been invited to display a booth, participate in a breed demonstration and select a few lucky Paso Finos to dance to the music of a symphony orchestra in “Fantasia” as part of the highlight event, The Symphony of Horses.
The Northeast has its own website. Visit us at
We also have a newsletter published monthly and our editor is always looking for news.
The Northeast has a lot to offer. Where else can you ride your Paso Fino on cranberry bogs near Plymouth Rock, or in the Connecticut woods near a Mohegan casino, or in the Berkshire mountains, or in the scenic mountain ranges of upstate New York or Vermont, or near lobster-filled water in Main, or . . .
Thanks for your time and best of luck at the shows in the coming year! Feel free to contact our president at or 617-697-8325
Region Bylaws:
The commitment to the Paso Fino breed runs deep in the North Florida Region, formed for Paso fans in the Central and North Florida area in 1989. The general club character is horse-informed, horse-social, horse-active, and laid back. Our members are primarily amateur owners with owner-trained horses.
North Florida (NFPFHA) sponsors an annual point/fun show, called Gait-way to Fun. The show is a return to the “old-time” shows, in which fun, non-pointed classes are interspersed with PFHA point classes. The show participants really appreciate the ambiance of the show, where everyone is low key, helpful, and supportive, a welcoming environment for the rookie as well as the more experienced member. The show provides the ideal opportunity for those who have never shown or who have an unregistered Paso to participate. And for those seeking points to qualify for nationals, the NFPFHA Gait-way to Fun show is perfect, with our low costs and great location!
NFPFHA members are primarily focused on recreational leisure and competitive riding: monthly trail rides, benefits, demonstrations, clinics, camp-outs, distance and endurance rides, obstacle challenges, speed events, cow work…Our Horses Do It All…so why shouldn’t we?
Reach: Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, parts of Nebraska, and Manitoba, Canada
The Mid America Paso Fino Horse Association (MAPFHA) was established in 1979 by Paso Fino enthusiasts who met for a trail ride and a meeting. From that original trail ride, the region grew as knowledge of the smooth gaiting horses became more widely known.
Membership Activities
MAPFHA members are avid Paso Fino enthusiasts however, joining in group trail rides, competing in endurance distance riding, participating in local parades, having fun at 4H shows and getting to know the versatility of their amazing Paso Finos. Paso Fino owners have demonstrated interest in distance riding competition. Spring and fall organized trail rides continue to be popular. Saturday night potlucks are a favorite time for socializing.
Mid America’s Future
Our region offers many riding disciplines and opportunities for horse enthusiasts. Minnesota is one of the top ten states supporting the horse industry, and the 3-day Minnesota Horse Expo draws some of the largest attendance crowds in the country. Several county and state parks, and state forests offer scenic horse trails and modern campgrounds which are fully used in early summer and fall. Local saddle clubs host 4H, WSCA shows for children, and rodeos are popular events at community celebrations. As members continue to be actively involved in various horse activities, public awareness and renewed membership numbers follow as interest in all gaited horse breeds surges in the Upper Midwest and across the nation. Mid America PFHA Area: Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Manitoba, Canada.
Reach: New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Washington, DC, and Virginia
Region Bylaws:
Founded: 1987
Area: Washington D.C., Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia (Zip Codes 2490-28599, and 26000-26899)
Incorporated in 1987, the Mason Dixon Paso Fino Horse Association (MDPFHA) encompasses the states of New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., Maryland, and West Virginia. Our vision is to be a “nationally recognized organization of informed and active members dedicated to supporting the equine community and celebrating the Paso Fino”. To that end, we strive not only to maintain our current membership, but to continue our growth through a variety of efforts. We focus on promoting the wonderful characteristics and versatility of the Paso fino. We strive to include all the varied interests of our members from showing, competitive and judged trail rides, falconery, cowboy mounted shooting, western dressage, and recreational riding. To help promote and showcase our breed, we participate in the Maryland and Pennsylvania World Horse Expositions. Dedicated volunteers staff our MDPFHA booth at the expos, where we display the versatility of the breed through ridden demonstrations, photographs, videos, and a variety of printed material. Our professional trainers are there to answer specific questions about training, tack, and the qualities of the breed.
Other avenues we use to share information about the Paso Fino include participating in multiple parades, offering clinics from a variety of nationally known clinicians and trainers, open houses at farms throughout our region, trail rides, competitive trail and endurance rides, judged trail rides, lectures on falconery, cowboy mounted shooting, and rodeo entertainment featuring Paso Finos performing a variety of different activities and tricks.
The MDPFHA Spectacular Show is held at the Gloucester County DREAM Park, in Logan Township, NJ. Our show has grown to include other gaited breeds, as well as lunch time demonstrations, and a variety of entertainment during the Saturday evening barn party. Our show is designed to provide an opportunity to compete in a variety of different divisions in a fun and supportive environment. Year-end awards honor both the show horse, and members who log hours riding their horse, or promoting the Paso Fino through demos and parades. A multi-breed fun show allows our members to interact with other horse owners, while having fun and expanding the repertoire of our Paso Finos.
MDFPHA sincerely desires to represent all of the region’s Paso Fino enthusiasts and provide a sound support system that will encourage our members to participate in a variety of activities. Our bimonthly Powerglide newsletter for members, our website (, our Facebook page (, and our Twitter account help to celebrate our member’s accomplishments, facilitate communication across a large region, and encourage the participation by our members, while promoting the Paso Fino. If you are visiting our region, please feel free to reach out so we can share our love of our horses, and that “Paso smile”.
Reach: Kentucky
Region Bylaws:
We are proud to be the home of the Kentucky Horse Park, where over 850,000 horse lovers from all over the world visit each year. Those visitors are able to daily see the Paso Fino on display. The Horse Park and our Kentucky Paso Fino Horse Association are working with love for not only the Paso Fino, but also in the promotion of all horses and their future in America.
The Kentucky Paso Fino Horse Association continues to build new membership with an enthusiastic team of individuals who primarily reside in the Kentuckiana region. The website allows our members and others to keep up to date regarding activities and messages, as well as helping to spread the awareness of our great breed.
Our members actively participate in the day to day as well as show, trail and clinic activities of not only our association, but also regularly help to expand the awareness of our breed through their mixed breed activities.
We are a group with diverse experience and knowledge of the special abilities of our breed, and welcome former and new Paso Fino enthusiasts. They include active breeders, show riders, trainers, judges, regional association representatives, trail and endurance riders, as well as participants in local gaited horse shows such as those held in Bardstown, Meade County, Hart County, and the Bardstown Gaited Horse Association. You are encouraged to participate with others in the preparations and attendance of our annual regional show, basic horsemanship clinics, demonstrations at local businesses, and trail rides. We welcome one and all to the beautiful bluegrass of Kentucky.
Reach: Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas and part of Nebraska
Region Bylaws:
The High Plains Paso Fino Horse Association was organized in the summer of 1998 with 66 members and 210 horses. They were approved by the PFHA Board of Directors at the October 1998 Board of Directors meeting.
One of the purposes of the formation of this new region was to have a smaller geographical territory with a higher concentration of members so we could become more involved together in the name of our Paso Fino horses.
Since the first official meeting as an organization on November 21, 1998 our membership has grown to over 100 members.
Our activities include the American Royal Show, the American Royal Parade in Kansas City, Missouri, Beef Empire Days parade in Garden City, Kansas, co-sponsoring the Gait to the Future show in Tulsa, Oklahoma, organizing a new show in Springfield, Missouri, participating in Equi-Fest, and participating in several all breed shows.
Our new region is looking forward to growth and prosperity in the future and serving its members.
Reach: Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Wyoming, California, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Hawaii, Alberta and British Columbia, Canada
Region Bylaws:
The Great Western Paso Fino Horse Association, previously known as Great Western Paso Fino Owners and Breeders, Inc., was formed in January, 1975 with one thought in mind: To make Paso Fino household words west of the Mississippi River and on to California. At that time, there were few horses and even fewer owners and breeders in this entire area. Most Paso Fino horses were concentrated in the Southeastern United States, and most related activities were there also. Great Western set out to change this by gathering together every Paso Fino owner, breeder and aficionado in this vast area.
Great Western”s first training clinic and point show was held at Bear Creek Arena just outside of Houston, Texas in April, 1975. They had lots of help from their Midwestern and Southeastern PFOBA friends. That first clinic and show turned out to be a moral booster and enthusiastic success, though a financial disaster. In 1976, they held two Class “A” shows at the same location, and though still “in the red”, the increased activity was encouraging.
1977 brought more encouragement, particularly when Elna White, then in her third term as Great Western”s President, was elected President of the National PFOBA organization. In 1978, Houston, Texas became the site of the first Grand National Championship show held in the west. They also had four class “A” PFOBA shows, co-hosted a North American Trail Ride conference, sanctioned a 50 mile competitive trail ride, and had a Judges and Training Clinic that same year.
Their membership was growing and moving west – New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Texas, Utah, Idaho, California and more new members in Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska. The most significant achievement during this time was the Paso Fino Breed”s acceptance by the American Horse Shows Association. Recognition by AHSA meant they could participate in large all-breed shows as well as AHSA sanctioned PFOBA shows for regional and national points as well as Horse of the Year Awards. More importantly, becoming a part of AHSA gave us protection against drub abuse and cruelty to our horses.
Great Western produced still another National PFOBA President in 1979, and Stan Wadsworth remained in that office through 1981. This same year brought us glory (and a great deal of work) in co-hosting the 1981 Grand National Championship show in Wichita, Kansas. This show was the highlight of PFOBA’s short history as well as Great Western’s.
Through the efforts of Ray and Winona Walton, this Grand National Championship Show was a financial success attended by over one hundred visitors from Colombia, south America and Puerto Rico as well as thousands of spectators. Great Western horses won six National Championships, seven Reserve national Championships, and two Grand National Championships, proving the outstanding quality of our “Western” Paso Finos.
With success of the Paso Fino horses west of the Mississippi, we have seen the spin-off of several new regional organizations, Southwestern, California, rocky Mountain and Northwestern. Great Western PFOBA also got a new name, Great western PFHA. We have members in Alaska, Arizona, western Canada, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. Great Western has emerged as one of PFHA”s strongest and most active regional groups. we have a great Western chapter organized in most of our states with regional activities as well as local activities for our members. We hope to keep Great Western active by continuing on our original path and we quote from the second Great Western newsletter written after the 1975 national Convention…”The Paso Fino really won.
Our horses are the ones that will benefit and prosper, and that's the name of the game. We must keep the horse – this very exceptional, very special breed of horse in first place in our minds at all times. Let us remember what we are pledged to do – to improve, to promote, to take great care of these fantastic horses – our friends, our teachers, our most pleasant companions. Great Western will take its place as a formidable group – being above pettiness and join together for these magnificent horses. Let us be horsemen first and people second.”
Reach: Michigan and Ohio
This organization actually got its start in 1969, when Dr. Carolyn Ziegler secured two Paso Finos to exhibit in the Ohio West All Breed Fall Roundup. SHortly thereafter a meeting was held in Youngstown, Ohio and the regional group was formed. In 1972 the Great Lakes Paso Fino Federation was incorporated as a non-profit organization in Ohio. In 2002 the name was changed to the Great Lakes Paso Fino Horse Association. As a region, Great Lakes has been very active in the national organization. We have been very active in non-show events, including trail rides, parades and other get-togethers.
Region Bylaws:
Reach: Georgia and eastern Alabama
In 1976, a small group of owners of a particularly quick and smooth little horse formed in the Atlanta area to share their experiences and common love for their breed. This close-knit group of owners and breeders caught the attention of their fellow equine enthusiasts (and even some who never dreamed of riding a horse), and as time passed, more people became exposed to the unique bond and irresistible nature of those little horses with the fast feet and ‘fine step’. Today, we are a rapidly growing yet ever true to our roots organization, driven by a common passion for the most exceptional and distinctive breed of horse in the world; we are the Georgia Paso Fino Horse Association.
From the Blue Ridge Mountains to the coastal plains, our association serves to unite the owners, breeders, trainers, and raving fans of this magnificent horse, and their diverse interests. We celebrate the arrival of spring with an Open House & Clinic, bringing our members together to increase their knowledge and understanding of our horses and teaching us how to interact with them more effectively, via the instruction of the most experienced trainers and breed authorities in the country. The Clinic is the perfect setting to sharpen our riding skills and prepare for the upcoming competition season. And so follows in the summer, we proudly host the Four Beat Jubilee, our regional competition (voted Best Breed Competition 2009 by the United States Equestrian Federation) attended by top exhibitors and breed exemplars from around the Paso world. This is truly a spectacle to behold, in which our horses display their athleticism, talent, and heart in the show ring. Young and old, amateur owner and professional, seasoned show exhibitor and first timer, there is a class and call to compete for every Paso owner to demonstrate their skills, all in a friendly and encouraging environment combining the Latin American traditions of the breed with down-home southern hospitality.
Our events and gatherings are however, in no way restricted by the seasons. No sir…you can find us blazing the trails from New Year’s to Christmas. Our trail rides are scheduled throughout the year, with destinations throughout the state. Our breed could not be more perfectly adept for long endurance rides, and their gaits like silk allow the rider to enjoy hours on end of nature’s beauty from the comfort of the smoothest ride in the world. And of course: the parades. We enjoy every opportunity to share with the public our horses’ beauty, cadence and unique combination or heart and energy we Paso People call: ‘brio’. Local parades are a great way for us to connect with people who have never seen or heard of these ‘dancing’ horses, and we take every advantage to let them show their stuff!
As our association continues to grow as more people discover this incredible breed, we want to introduce you to the matchless experience it is to ride and perhaps even own a Paso. Their four-beat lateral gait is exclusive to this breed and is the key to their unequaled smoothness in the horse world. Our association is proud to offer many events throughout the year for you to meet the Paso for yourself, and we welcome you to contact any of the members of our association for more information about our breed and the activities we share with them. I am so honored to be a member of this encouraging and helpful Paso family, where our enthusiasm for our breed shines in all that we do. Come ride with us, and fall in love with the horse with the fine step and huge heart.
Reach: Southern Florida
By: Alex Amador
The regional group currently known as the Florida Paso Fino Horse Association, Inc. or FPFHA has had a long and colorful history, longer than even our national governing body, the Paso Fino Horse Association, Inc. or PFHA. Originally incorporated in May of 1968, it was first known as the South Florida Paso Fino Association, Inc. and home to the earliest Paso Fino exhibitions and competitions in the continental U.S. It was originally a part of two national associations named American Paso Fino or APF and the International Paso Fino Society or IPFS. These national governing groups originally sanctioned its shows and the shows required that the horses be registered with the APF. (I still have “APF” papers from some of my original Pasos from over 20 years ago.)
The Paso Fino Owners and Breeders Association, PFOBA for short, was formed in 1972 to further develop and showcase the breed. This was the original name of the now PFHA. As the PFOBA national organization flourished and grew, participation and shows with the APF diminished. The only active region of the APF and IPFS in the late 70’s was “Florida”, as we were then known. Florida was always known for the quality of its Paso Finos and many of its members actively competed in shows sanctioned by the PFOBA. With its star in decline, the last National show sanctioned by APF & IPFS was given by the Florida Paso Fino Association in 1979. The members of Florida decided that joining the PFOBA was the ticket and became a regional group within our current National association. In 1980, Florida’s corporate name was officially changed to Florida Paso Fino Owners and Breeders Association, Inc., and we became the fourth PFOBA recognized regional group in the state of Florida. We immediately became the largest regional group in the entire PFOBA, with our active membership holding more shows than any other regional group. Our name changed officially again in 1995, to reflect the name change also undertaken by our National organization. We are now officially known as Florida Paso Fino Horse Association, Inc. or just Florida for short.
The Florida region has been home to many famous and visionary leaders and owes its current success to the selfless work and dedication of those Directors and members. In 1986, under the leadership of Dee Torcise of Tijodee Farm, the tradition of the annual Spectrum show was begun. The idea was to demonstrate that a Paso Fino competition could showcase our horses in Grand Style and Class with a capital “C”. Until the arrival of the Spectrum, regional Paso Fino shows were little “undecorated” affairs, just horses and watchers without even music to liven up the show. It was at that first Spectrum that we had our first taste of the then undefeated fino phenomenon, Capuchino, “dancing” with flamenco dancers and a guitarist on a fino strip, while being constantly showered with rose petals. The same was done with the incomparable black Bella Forma legend Marichalo Royal, who danced “Flamenco” with the pretty girls, while on two lines. We had fancy decorations, parties, music, and fun. We also had our first Ostrich races (as fun and entertainment) but these didn’t survive after the first show. Most importantly, the Spectrum show drew exhibitors from as far away as Texas, and showcased the most brilliant performers of those days.
The Quality tradition established in that first Spectrum show has been maintained, through different Boards of Directors, under different leadership, and through different and sometimes trying times. Today, the Spectrum International Paso Fino Show is renown internationally for the quality of its competition, drawing only the best, from all the Paso Fino Countries, and always in great numbers. We think the Spectrum show today has become a mini-Nationals, where the best animals are debuted and quality in exhibition and showmanship abounds. Our experience with the Spectrum show led to the Florida Region being chosen as the sponsor of the 1999 CONFEPASO Mundial exhibition. With great success and style, we showcased, internationally, the Paso Fino and had the first-ever cable television coverage of a Paso Fino show.
Today, Florida members enjoy a diverse, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, congregation of true Paso Fino lovers. Our trainers enjoy comradery and at the same time provide outstanding competition. Our legions of amateur owners compete aggressively in every show division. Our youth classes riders compete regularly in large numbers at our shows and many successfully represented our country in the past CONFEPASO Youth Mundial competition in Puerto Rico. We are proud to sponsor the “youth only” competition every year in October. Our membership includes many of this country’s top breeding farms and we are home to many of the top breeding stallions. Our members love to show their horses and we try to provide as many opportunities for that as possible. We get together to party and enjoy our horses regularly. Most of our regional meetings offer food and horses, salsa and fino, all in a true spirit of friendship and Paso Fino brotherhood.
Reach: Louisiana, Mississippi and western Alabama
On November 16, 1986, a group of 35 intrepid folks gathered together to organize the Deep South Paso Fino Horse Association. The historic meeting was held in Kiln, Mississippi. The conspirators included Paso lovers from Mississippi, Louisiana and southern Alabama. National President, Fred Green gave an orientation speech instructing the group on social activities, on organizing shows and on promotion of the breed. In January 1987, this much needed region was approved by the National office.
Armed with regional status, our members rolled up their sleeves and set to work promoting the virtues of the perfect horse. Over the years, we have given numerous demonstrations and participated in exhibitions at prestigious affairs such as the Regional Polo games, Parade of Breeds, Scottish Highland Games, Neshoba County Fair, Greater Gulf States Fair, Dixie National Livestock Show Parade and Mississippi Horse Council Equine Extravaganza. Our horses also participated in the Special Olympics in Biloxi, MS, competitive and endurance rides, fun trail rides, open gaited classes in local shows and parades for Mardi Gras, St. Patrick’s Day, and Christmas.
Our first official Paso Fino Horse Show was held in June 1987 in Covington, Louisiana. It was a successful event entitled “Laissez le Bon Temps Rouler”, or “Let the Good Times Roll” – and roll they did. We went from one show a year to three AHSA/PFHA shows a year with a fun show thrown in for good measure. Over the past 13 years, our membership has more than doubled and our region has boasted several National Champions.
We also have several T.O.P. winners and our bloodlines include some of the breed’s greatest horses.
Deep South began holding a spring show in Tupelo, Mississippi and a fall show in Gulfport, Mississippi in 1997. The Tupelo show was our largest show ever until 1999 when we started having our fall Magnolia Classic show in the brand new Forrest County Multipurpose Arena in Hattiesburg, MS. In 2002, we renamed the Tupelo show the Spring Magnolia Classic and moved it to the brand new Tunica Arena and Expo Center in Tunica, MS. Both of these are shows are held in two of the most modern, up-to-date facilities in the country. They have been very successful, have a tremendous following, and have continued to grow every year ……and everyone has a good time!
The people responsible for the beginning and for the continued growth of our club are too many to name. All have sacrificed their time and efforts, striving to promote and enjoy our unique horses. And we continue, hopefully for a long, long time! Ya’ll come see us sometime!