This program is composed of two phases:
- The Stallion Service Auction (SSA), by which members can purchase a breeding service to one of the participating stallions for as little as one half of their standard fee, and the
- Breeders’ Sweepstakes (BSC) classes in which the foals resulting from the breedings purchased through the SSA are eligible to participate and win prize money.
The main purpose of this program is to provide PFHA members with the opportunity of winning prize money with their horses. This program also helps members by bringing stallion owners and mare owners together and providing benefits to both.
This program is driven by the generous donation by PFHA members of breeding services to their stallions. The PFHA then manages the auction of these services to members that are interested on breeding their mares to these stallions. The resulting fees paid by the buyers become the purse to be paid at the Breeder’s Sweepstakes classes that take place yearly during the Grand National Show. Two Breeder’s Sweepstakes classes are offered each year, one for yearling fillies, and the second one for yearling colts and geldings. Only offspring of SSA participating stallions that received bids through the SSA are eligible to participate in the Breeder’s Sweepstakes classes.
2023 Stallion Service Auction Available Stallions Click here
The Stallion Service Auction has 3 phases:
- Phase 1 – At Grand National Show. Online bidding at hosts a catalog of available stallions and information about each of them. A member interested in purchasing a breeding to a participating stallion can register as a bidder and place an open bid. This open bidding is closed at 5 pm Eastern standard time Friday during the show week. At that point the highest bidder for a stallion service is the winning bidder, and that stallion’s service is not available for further bidding. The winning bidders and the donors of the stallions whose services were purchased through this phase each get a free nomination to one of the BSC classes AND a free initial nomination of a weanling foal to the Fabulous Futurity program. For further information on the Fabulous Futurity program refer to the PFHA website.
Phase 2 – Between Grand National Show Closing and March 1st of the following year. The breeding service for SSA stallions that did not receive bids during the GNS will be available for purchase between the closing of Phase 1 above and March 1st of the following year. The list of the still available stallions is posted in the PFHA website. Any member interested in a breeding to any of these stallions can purchase it for one half of its listed price or $500.00, whichever is higher. This can be done by being the first member sending an Authorization to Bid for with payment for the breeding to the PHFA office in care of the Stallion Service Auction program by March 1st of the following year. The donors of the stallions whose services were purchased through this phase will get a free initial nomination of a weanling foal to the Fabulous Futurity program.
- Phase 3 – March 2nd to March 31st. Stallion service donors whose stallion’s service was not purchased by a member during phase 1 or 2 above can attain the eligibility of their stallion for that year’s program by paying a $200.00 eligibility fee.
A stallion whose service is purchased during any of the above three phases will be an “eligible stallion” for that year. This means that all of the corresponding year’s foals will be eligible for the Breeders’ Sweepstakes classes as described below.
A purchase of a breeding to a participating stallion during any of the above three SSA phases will entitle all of that stallion’s offspring to participate in the Breeders’ Sweepstakes classes corresponding to that SSA year. The stallion owner/donor and the purchaser of the stallion service each get a free nomination to one of the BSC classes. All other owners of yearlings of an eligible stallion will be eligible to enter the BSC classes, but will have to pay a $200.00 nomination fee to participate. GNS class fees will always need to be paid to enter a class.
There is a three year progression between a given year’s Stallion Service Auction and its corresponding Breeder’s Sweepstakes classes at the Grand National Show. This is due to the following process:
- Year 0 – Stallion Service Auction Year. As described above this starts during the Grand National Show (September) and runs through March of the following year.
- Year 1 – Breeding Year. The mare is bred to the stallion whose service was purchased through the SSA.
- Year 2 – Foaling Year. Foals resulting from the given SSA are born.
- Year 3 – Breeders’ Sweepstakes Year. Yearling foals can participate in the Breeder’s Sweepstakes classes corresponding to the SSA year identified as Year 0 above.
Class Requirements
The Breeder’s Sweepstakes classes are Bellas Formas classes with specific requirements. The following are the procedures for the classes:
- Entries will enter the ring one at a time.
- Each entry will enter the ring at a walk, and will walk directly towards the judges to be inspected by the judges for inheritable traits (mouth deformities, reproduction deformities, etc.)
- The entry will then walk up and down the Fino board for the judges to look for any type of lameness.
- The entry will then proceed to the rail and wait for further examination after all the entries are present. It is acceptable for entries to be lunging while waiting.
- Each entry will then perform individually for further examinations by the judges.
- The entry will be examined while lunging in both directions in gait.
- The entry will then gait in a straight line away from and back to the judges.
- The entry will then be squared for overall conformation inspection.
- The entry will then be lined up for placement.
The appointments for the Breeder’s Sweepstakes classes are as follows:
- The handler shall wear plain dress pants (may be the official Paso Fino costume) with a plain colored shirt.
- A hat of either official costume or pleasure style is acceptable, along with boots.
- The horse is to be fitted with a plain halter and lead shank at least eight (8) feet in length. The Colombian jaquima is acceptable.
- The horse should be shown groomed and clipped.
Class Payouts
As stated above the purse for the BSC classes comes from the corresponding year’s SSA. The total collected from the SSA less a 10% administrative fee will be paid out and split among the two BSC classes proportionately to the number of entrants in each. This total will be increased by any $200.00 nominations paid by entrants as described above. Each $200.00 fee will go directly to the class in which the entrant participates.
The prize money in each class will be distributed as follows:
First Place | 30% |
Second Place | 25% |
Third Place | 20% |
Fourth Place | 12% |
Fifth Place | 8% |
Sixth Place | 5% |
From the total as computed above, 25% will be distributed to the owner of the entrant’s sire (the SSA Stallion’s donor).
Benefits to donors
Stallion owners that donate a breeding service to the Stallion Service Auction can benefit in the following ways:
The SSA as a Marketing Venue.
- The stallions participating in the SSA will be listed in the Grand National Show program and in the SSA Catalog that will be available for the public at the Grand National Show.
- The stallions receiving bids during the GNS will be posted on a board at the PFHA Futurity table at the GNS.
- The list of SSA eligible stallions as well as the list of available stallions will be posted on the PFHA website within the program’s pages.
- Once the stallion becomes eligible as described above, the owner can use the fact that his stallion’s offspring are eligible for the Breeders’ Sweepstakes classes, with opportunity to win money, in his advertising as an added benefit for breeders.
- The picture of the stallion whose offspring won the most money during the Breeders’ Sweepstakes classes of the previous year will be on the cover of the current year’s SSA Catalog.
- In marketing a foal out of a BSC eligible stallion, the stallion owner can use his option to transfer his earned nomination to the BSC with the sale of a foal.
Opportunity to Win Money
The stallion service donor will receive 25% of the winnings of all of his stallion’s offspring in the Breeders’ Sweepstakes classes.- The stallion service donor of an eligible stallion will get one free nomination to the corresponding Breeders’ Sweepstakes classes which will provide him with the opportunity to also win money directly at the class.
- The stallion service donor, whose stallion’s service is purchased in one of the first two phases of the SSA as described above will get a free initial nomination of one of their weanling foals to the Fabulous Futurity program. The owner is still responsible to make the rest of the payments to maintain the foal’s eligibility into that program. The Fabulous Futurity program also provides the stallion owner with an opportunity to win money.
Support of the PFHA Membership
- The proceeds from the SSA are used for the purse of the Breeders’ Sweepstakes classes exclusively, which is for the direct benefit of the PFHA members taking advantage of this program. These proceeds are not used for the PFHA general fund.
Benefits to breeders/buyers
Mare owners that are planning to breed a mare should look at the list of stallions offered through the PFHA Stallion Service Auction and consider this venue for purchasing a breeding. They will get the following advantages when purchasing a breeding through the SSA:
Reduced Breeding Fee
- The SSA is an auction via which you can purchase a breeding to your chosen stallion for as little ashalf the cost of the normal stallion’s breeding fee.
Opportunity to Win Money
- By purchasing a breeding through the SSA the mare owner will get a free nomination of the resulting foal to one of the corresponding Breeders’ Sweepstakes classes. This will provide him/her with the opportunity to win money as described above.
- By purchasing a breeding through the Stallion Service Auction at the Grand National Show the mare owner will get a free initial nomination of the resulting foal to the Fabulous Futurity program. The owner is still responsible to make the rest of the payments to maintain the foal’s eligibility into that program. The Fabulous Futurity program also provides the buyer with an opportunity to win moneywith his/her foal.
- The mare owner can use the resulting foal’s eligibility to the BSC and the Fabulous Futurity programs as a marketing tool to sell the foal.