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Our young riders are our futures. We want to encourage them to enjoy the paso fino horse. Our youth committee provides education support for their equestrian endeavors to include the PFHA Grand National Show, the Mundial World Competition, and the many other activities our youth pursue.

We are thrilled to introduce an exciting update to the PFHA Youth of the Year Awards!

In our continuous commitment to celebrating our outstanding youth members, we've expanded the program to include two distinct categories: Sub-Junior and Junior. This enhancement aims to recognize and honor the remarkable achievements and contributions of our youth in a more focused manner. To make these awards even more prestigious, we are now requiring all eligible youth to maintain a Youth Log Form throughout the year, showcasing their dedication and involvement in the Paso Fino community.

As always, nominations for these coveted awards will be due by August 28th each year, and a biography will be necessary to help us understand and appreciate the exceptional qualities of our young equestrians. We can't wait to see our youth shine and grow in this new, more personalized recognition format!

SafeSport Training for Parents and Junior Competitors
Every athlete deserves to be safe and supported. The PFHA and US Equestrian is committed to ensuring that every athlete gets the opportunity to enjoy equestrian sports free from abuse.

PFHA and US Equestrian encourages all parents/guardians and our minor athletes to take the free training courses that are offered by the U.S. Center for SafeSport. These courses are tailored for each group. The Parent’s Guide to Misconduct in Sport is a 30-minute training video that educates parents on recognizing, responding to, and preventing abuse and misconduct in your child’s sport setting. You will come away equipped with information and tactics to minimize risks of harm, You will also learn what helps create a safe sport environment for your children and what resources are available for reporting.

In addition to the training module for parents/guardians, we encourage viewing The Center's webpage for Parents and Guardians. This webpage includes important topics and resources, including the Parent and Guardian's Handbook for SafeSport. This handbook provides information and resources to help parents understand the different types of abuse and misconduct, as well as provides tools and tips for talking to their child about sexual and emotional abuse.

The U.S. Center for SafeSport also provides training modules for minor athletes.

If you are between the ages of 13-17, the Center provides a 15-minute course that is focused on bullying prevention, supporting friends who have experienced abuse or misconduct, and resources for reporting.

For those athletes between the ages of 5-12, the Center provides a 15-minute course that helps minors know the difference between discipline and abuse and encourages them to reach out to a trusted adult when something is not right. It also stresses the importance of positive sportsmanship and having a healthy sport environment focused on fun and safety.

To take the trainings listed above, please view the link below.
Get Trained Now

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