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Horse Adoption vs Purchase

If you wish to give a horse a ‘forever home’ and support a rescue organization that is helping horses, then horse adoption may be for you.  Adopting and purchasing a horse both have advantages and disadvantages.

Purchasing a horse can be compared to buying a car or a house.  You figure out what you want, what your price range is, and you go look at several choices until you find the one you want to buy.  Then you negotiate a price, pay the seller, and take the horse home.  You now own a horse usually with no further obligations between the seller or you, the buyer.  If you are interested in purchasing a horse, you may want to begin here:  

Adoption is a very rewarding experience and worth considering.  Horse rescue organizations save horses from a variety of circumstances.  Many of these horses require extensive veterinary care, rehabilitation, and training before they are ready for adoption whereas others may only need a safe place to land until their new adoptive home is found.  The primary goals in the adoption process are to:

  1. Assure the horse and the adopter are the best match possible,
  2. Provide the horse an ‘umbrella of safety’ for its lifetime via the adoption contract, and 
  3. Make room and resources available so the rescue organization can save more horses.

Responsible rescue organizations thoroughly screen potential adopters using their own screening criteria.  They make sincere efforts to offer horses that are best suited to each individual adopter’s needs and abilities.  Once a match is made, an Adoption Contract is signed.  

The terms in the adoption agreement are to protect the horse by creating a legal ‘umbrella of safety’ for the horse.  For example, some common contractual terms require the adopter to:   allow the rescue organization permission to physically check up on the horse; return horse to the rescue if the adopter can no longer keep or care for the horse; not use the horse for breeding purposes; not sell the horse; and so forth.  Terms and requirements vary between rescue organizations.  Thus, it is important to fully understand the adoption contract.  

If you are interested in saving horses and helping rescue organizations by adopting a Paso Fino, please complete the adopter interest questionnaire form on this page and we will forward it to our PFHA Approved Responsible Rescues & Sanctuaries.  Thank you!

Contact the Paso Fino Foundation to learn more about the Paso Fino Rescue Fund.

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